Saturday, March 2, 2013

I'm sick of trying over and over again!

Hi guys! Sorry, I haven't posted in so long. Seeing as how things are kinda busy lately and too many problems came approached me. Then, I'm all messed up. I can't handle it by myself. So, I need a time and best friends to recover back to normal, such a wimpy girl, huh? Yeahyeah, so now I wanna talk about something that should be easier for blogger but it's hard for me -_-" Erghhh! Bleh..bleh..bleh..

Hm, for blogger maybe they knew about this. Since yesterday I'm trying to figure out how to put a border around my post. When I searched that, I found it too many ways to try it one by one. So, I followed the instructions that had given there, but it's not working on my blog.  Don't you know how pity I am? (╥﹏╥)

I really want to change my border. My border now looks so old-fashioned to me. If i could put more efforts on decorating my blog to make my blog look 'kawaiiness' than ever, surely I'll feel like i'm flying! As you can see, my excitement will be overwhelmed suddenly!! I don't know if i'm too dumb to understand the steps but actually, the steps look easy on me but when i tried it for many times... Ok, now I know it's hard to change the fact that I'm so dummy on learning this bloggers stuff. Not all my friends have a blog. But most of them, just used the free template that had made by pro-bloggers (maybe). So their blog looks so attractive and no such thing as mine. Hmhm. So, why
should I ask them if their not wearing their own templates? Because their answers always sounded like 'I don't know'. <(' .' )>

Should I give up?
Or try again next time?

Not to worry, I'm just asking myself actually.
I'm pretty sure you will ignore what I'm asking/talking about. Duhh.
But thanks anyway because you just wasting your time for spending on my bloggie!
I'm glad to have you as my visitors. Hehe.
Much love from me.
♡ ♡ ♡

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